

Road to Krüger's. Hint, Use landscape for printing.

Optimal trip

Where you are Km Time in minutes Instruction
BrommaPlan 0 0  
Drottningholm 5,4 0:14 Stay on the main road
Road to Lovö 6,3 0:17 Stay on the main road
Ekerö Tappström 12,5 0:25 Turn right, towards Färentuna
Skå, OKQ8 Gas(Petrol) station 18 0:32 Stay on the main road, it makes a slight turn towards right, you will have the
church on your left side. Keep on.
Svartsjö Slott (Castle) 22 0:38 Stay on the main road
Road to Hilleshög 25,9 0:44 Stay on the main road
Färentuna Kyrka 27,9 0:47 Straight ahead, small and curvy road, be careful.
Sign Kungsberga 31 60 At the sign Kungsberga, which you can see on the homepage,
make a 90 degree left turn and your are done.