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Kungsberga is situated in an old Viking community, where run stones and other things like
burial places of the Vikings are everyday things in almost every corner. You might think that
we are far from the downtown of Stockholm, but honestly it's not more then about 35 Km to the City.

The name of the island is Färingsö, it belongs to one of the islands in the Mälaröarnas Archipelago.
If you turn your head towards the South-West you're not far from one of the major congregations areas
of the Vikings when they were alive during the years of around 1000 AC.

Another very interesting thing concerning this part of the island are all the mistletoes that are spread
around the treetops in hundreds not to say thousands, click on "Our own pictures" and then on "Huset från trädgården".
Look behind the house, in the treetops, and you'll see the mysterious mistletoes.

Coordinates N 59° 24’ 10” E 17° 37’ 34” Mail = kruger(at)kungsberga(dot)com

Created 2004-04-04. Updated 2009-02-02. För Internet Explorer 1024*768. För Mozilla 1280*1024. © LT Kruger
